Confindustria Digitale

Confindustria Digitale is the new Federation of industrial representation, created with the aim of promoting the development of the digital economy, to the benefit of the country's competition and innovation

Confindustria Digitale
Confindustria Digitale


Confindustria Digitale, which heads companies with a total of over 250,000 employees who achieve an annual turnover of over 70 billion euros, fits into the confederation system with innovative methods: streamlined structure and management, top management limited to the presidency, the board of directors and the assembly ; presidential mandate of only two non-renewable years and rotation of the presidency between the different sectors represented; direct representation in Confindustria of the large associations of the Federation.

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The strongest representation for companies in the ICT and consumer electronics sector is renewed.
Confindustria Digitale
Confindustria Digitale
Confindustria Digitale is the new Federation of industrial representation, created with the aim of ...
The federation protects the interests of the mechanical industry, promotes member companies and supports them in solving technical-regulatory problems.
Il gelato artigianale
Il gelato artigianale
The Italian Food Products Industries Association is one of the main industrial organizations in the sector.
Rapporto Assinform
Rapporto Assinform
Dal 2 luglio è on-line il nuovo sito web del Rapporto Assinform 2015, che consente di acquistare online i diversi capitoli del più importante rapporto sul mercato IT in Italia.
Rapporto Assinform 2016
Rapporto Assinform 2016
The new website of the Assinform 2016 Report has been online since 6 July, which allows you to buy online the various chapters of the most important report on the IT market in Italy.
Investire sul territorio
Investire sul territorio
Img Internet ha realizzato una campagna AdWords nella rete Google per la promozione dell'iniziativa ...
Img Internet ha realizzato per Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza  e Invest in ...
Nuovo sito Assinform
Nuovo sito Assinform
Assinform è l’Associazione nazionale delle principali Aziende di Information Technology ...
Assinform - reserved areas and CRM
Assinform - reserved areas and CRM
It is an extranet connected to the association's corporate CRM. Made with Kalì, it is able ...
Associated companies of Assinform
Associated companies of Assinform
Assinform is the national association - member of the Confindustria system - of the main Information Technology companies operating on the Italian market.
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