Fimi classifiche discografiche

Application for the publication and consultation of music sales charts in Italy from 1995 to today.

Fimi classifiche discografiche
Fimi classifiche discografiche

The system collects and publishes the record charts every week, and allows them to be consulted on the website with which it is integrated.

Artists and record companies can request plates for gold and platinum records, which will be automatically verified by the application and made available through the association.

Go to the web site

Fimi classifiche discografiche Fimi classifiche discografiche
Fimi classifiche discografiche
Application for the publication and consultation of music sales charts in Italy from 1995 to today. ...
FIMI, Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana FIMI, Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana
FIMI, Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana
Avete presente le classifiche musicali italiane? Ecco si tratta di FIMI, e il sito integra gli ...
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