Camozzi Digital

Camozzi Digital supports the digitalization of companies operating in various manufacturing sectors and who want to take advantage of digital innovation and IIoT solutions.

Camozzi Digital
Camozzi Digital

Innovation and digital integration of production processes, combined with the skills of a team of engineers and Data Scientists, specialised in mathematics and software development, allow the creation of dedicated algorithms and feedback systems to optimise production processes , energy consumption and spare parts warehouse management, even in industrial sectors with high production levels.

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Camozzi Digital
Camozzi Digital
Camozzi Digital supports the digitalization of companies operating in various manufacturing sectors and who want to take advantage of digital innovation and IIoT solutions .
Gruppo Camozzi
Gruppo Camozzi
The Camozzi Group is configured as an ecosystem of companies operating in pneumatic components, ...
Gruppo Camozzi Gruppo Camozzi
Gruppo Camozzi
Progetto di comunicazione e di adeguamento tecnologico della Intranet di gruppo.
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Img Internet srl  | via Moretto da Brescia 22 | 20133 Milano | PI 13309740150
Tel +39 02 700251  |  e-mail: info@imginternet.com

Azienda certificata ISO 27001
Certificato n° IT20-35706D