NIBICreata nel 2009 NIBI , è la Business School di Promos Italia dedicata alla formazione e all’aggiornamento di persone e imprese che vogliono avere successo nei mercati esteri.
Biorepack: i buttadentroLa campagna integrata dedicata alla bioplastica compostabile firmata da Connexia per il Consorzio Bi ...
GemmoGemmo si occupa di progettare, installare e gestire impianti tecnologici nell'ambito della gestione dell’energia per organizzazioni e aziende pubbliche e private.
B-MatchÈ il nuovo strumento digitale sviluppato da Promos Italia per realizzare meeting B2B 1:1 online con operatori internazionali selezionati.
THCSEnabling health and care systems transformation through research and innovation
New website of Fabbri 1905Fabbri 1905 SpA is one of the main Italian food companies operating in the confectionary, ice cream and pastry sector.
MADE IN DIGItalyKalì Event Platform was chosen for the MADE IN DIGItaly event, the unmissable appointment on ...
SAP NOW 2022SAP NOW is the event that SAP Italia dedicates to the business community.
Formati con noiThe platform was created on the initiative of Anitec-Assinform with the support of Confindustria and in collaboration with the Department for Digital Transformation and Technological Innovation.
Anitec-AssinformThe strongest representation for companies in the ICT and consumer electronics sector is renewed.
EcoconsultConsulting and training company specialized in the sectors of Occupational Safety, Risk Management, Food Hygiene, Privacy, Compliance, Sustainability and the Environment.
VisionareaVisionarea is a company specialized in the collection and interpretation of traffic data on commercial surfaces and uses the site as the only source of commercial supply: impossible to go wrong.
BiorepackIt is the national Consortium for the organic recycling of biodegradable and compostable plastic packaging , a sector it represents within the CONAI system.
LC Larizza ConsultingLarizza Consulting (LC) is an insurance broker based in Milan that carries out insurance consultancy ...
Digit Expert Day 2022After the success of the previous edition, Digit Expert Day establishes itself as a business appointment also in 2022.
Fabbri 1905The new Fabbri website to communicate the company's values and promote its identity.
IngeniiCompany specializing in the management of closed-end and reserved direct lending Alternative Investment Funds (FIAs), investing in illiquid products backed by public guarantees .
TranscanTRANSlational CANcer research is key for addressing, understanding and preventing cancer, a worldwide health concern despite the continuous advancement of research and treatment approaches.
SitecoreDigital Spring Week, every day a specific theme and two sessions available, in the morning and in the afternoon, to show you an unprecedented, unique, agile and realistic perspective.
SAP PKOMThe SAP PKOM (Partner Kick Off Meeting) is an appointment between SAP and its main partners.
Trend MicroSecurityBarcamp, the Trend Micro event on cybercriminal and cybersecurity scenarios