Img Aice Academy

Communication and digital culture are among the priorities of every company today. Aice, in collaboration with Img Internet, facilitates aware change in every company by intervening on everyone's desire to learn, enthusiasm and competence.

Img Aice Academy
Img Aice Academy

The Digital Export Center is the evolution of the Academy project wanted by AICE, the Italian Association for Foreign Trade, and by Imginternet.com, a digital strategy consultancy company, and which has supported over 200 companies in the last two years.

The program currently consists of

  • Executive Master in Digital Export with 7 days in the classroom starting from May 2019, with the aim of responding to the renewed needs of companies by combining international web marketing with the needs of internationalisation of companies.
  • 4 half-day seminars where digital marketing channels and techniques and the main social media will be analysed
  • In-depth webinar on two fundamental topics: Digital Marketing and Content Marketing.
  • Personalised courses and continuous consultancy to develop company projects in the fields of Digital Marketing, e-commerce and online communication, or a personalised training course.


Img Aice Academy Img Aice Academy
Img Aice Academy
Communication and digital culture are among the priorities of every company today.
Go International Go International
Go International
Go International is the new forum developed by Aice that allows Italian companies to make themselves known in the world by becoming international.
Gestisci i tuoi eventi online e in presenza in modo rapido, efficace e integrato con il CRM aziendale
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Img Internet srl  | via Moretto da Brescia 22 | 20133 Milano | PI 13309740150
Tel +39 02 700251  |  e-mail: info@imginternet.com

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Certificato n° IT20-35706D