Il gelato artigianale

The Italian Food Products Industries Association is one of the main industrial organizations in the sector. It represents, on a national and international level, several product sectors and currently associates around 300 companies. It is a member of numerous trade organizations in the EU and internationally.

Il gelato artigianale
Il gelato artigianale

An integrated communication plan for the promotion of artisan gelato in Italy and around the world.

Although Italian artisan ice cream is one of the most loved products by consumers, it is at the center of a strong debate regarding its genuineness.


The consumer does not know the production methods and very often still believes that ice cream is made with fresh raw materials. The sector associations are unable to find a common strategy for product promotion or to agree on how to regulate the sector.

AIIPA - Gruppo Prodotti per Gelato asks Imageware for a proposal to manage these complexities and at the same time to promote ice cream made with semi-finished products.


Img Internet creates and manages

  • an Internet site with a strong editorial organization
  • a new picture...
  • an SEO activity aimed at...
  • garrison of Internet: creation of the portal on artisan gelato

Imageware defines a long-term strategy based on the following activities:

  • analysis of the perception of semi-finished products among consumers and ice cream makers.
  • promotion of a new image of semi-finished products to spread the perception of quality and creation of the "Gelato outside, good inside" campaign.
  • press office management
  • management of relations with trade associations and sector opinion leaders enhancement of the supply chain at the institutions
  • promotion abroad of ice cream as a business


Over the last 3 years the negative articles in the consumer press dedicated to semi-finished products have significantly decreased (none in 2011) while those in which ice cream is praised have increased (about 300 articles).

A working table is also created with the trade associations with the aim of defining and promoting Italian ice cream.

The website www.ilgelatoartigianale.info grows by 30% per month and becomes one of the most visited sites in the sector, while in October 2011 the international site, www.italiangelato.info, is launched with the aim of promoting the opening of ice cream parlors abroad.

Go to the web site

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Il gelato artigianale Il gelato artigianale
Il gelato artigianale
The Italian Food Products Industries Association is one of the main industrial organizations in the sector.
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