DigIT Export

Thanks to the commitment and participation of Img Internet, the Digit Export site, the project created by PROMOS and the Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce, is increasingly rich in services.

DigIT Export
DigIT Export

Digit Export is the search engine for the #digital #export of companies: with articles, data from the Ulisse system relating to market trends, detailed Marketplace files in collaboration with the Milan Polytechnic and a wide range of services, events /seminars and advanced training in the digital field, dedicated to companies.

In Lombardy, one in 3 companies exports – even online. In Italy, however, companies with at least 10 employees who do e-commerce are just 11% of the total. Less than half that in Germany, Holland, but also in Slovenia.

With the spirit of bridging this gap, DigIT Export (www.digitexport.it) was born, the online platform - created by Promos Italia (the new structure of the Italian Chamber of Commerce system to support the internationalisation of companies), the Digital Export Observatory of the Polytechnic of Milan and Netcomm – which aims to assist and train companies throughout Italy in the use of digital technology to support exports. But also and above all to help companies, based on the markets and their reference products, to find the right marketplace.

download the article in pdf

For this project, Img Internet has created a web application that aggregates editorial content and analytical data in a single engine that can be used directly on the site through the search bar. The analytical data are represented in the form of interactive graphs that identify the positioning of the nations in the various contexts considered. The application is integrated into the Kali pages through the use of the most recent client-side development technologies.

Go to the web site

Creata nel 2009  NIBI , è la Business School di Promos Italia dedicata alla formazione e all’aggiornamento di persone e imprese che vogliono avere successo nei mercati esteri.
È il nuovo strumento digitale sviluppato da Promos Italia per realizzare meeting B2B 1:1 online con operatori internazionali selezionati.
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Digit Expert Day 2022
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DigIT Export
DigIT Export
Thanks to the commitment and participation of Img Internet, the Digit Export site, the project created by PROMOS and the Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce, is increasingly rich in services.
Promos Italia
Promos Italia
Img Internet has created an infrastructure that collects, in addition to the institutional site, many autonomous web initiatives which together generate almost 100,000 visits each month.
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Mercato Globale
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Progetto InBuyer
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Il nuovo sito di Promos e Unioncamere Lombardia: MGlobale.it
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Esegui ricerca

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